
The Mayors Alliance to End Childhood Hunger will tap the individual and collective leadership of Mayors to take meaningful actions to end childhood hunger in cities nationwide. We are building a strong, nonpartisan cohort of national Mayoral champions for ending child hunger.

New Mexico Mayors Join to Support No-Cost Meals

March 6, 2023

The Healthy Universal School Meals for Children Act, Senate Bill 4, passed in the New Mexico state legislature today. […]

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Connecticut must continue to feed all kids in school

November 23, 2022

Thanksgiving is tomorrow, and it is one of the most wholesome days of the year: so many of us cook, eat and spend precious time with our loved ones. But it is also a day when the inequities in our community are abundantly clear: there are those who have food to eat, and there are […]

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End Hunger Connecticut!, Child Nutrition Leaders & Advocates Gather for Round Table Discussion in East Hartford, CT

July 18, 2022

East Hartford, Conn. – End Hunger Connecticut! (EHC!), national and local leaders, and nutrition policy experts and advocates came together this past Friday, July 15, at Joseph O. Goodwin Elementary School in East Hartford, CT to discuss summer and school meals for children in Connecticut. […]

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Summary of April 2022 White House Meeting on Extension of USDA’s Child Nutrition Waivers

April 28, 2022

On April 28, 2022, members of the Mayors Alliance to End Childhood Hunger and Lisa Davis, Senior Vice President of Share Our Strength’s No Kid Hungry Campaign, met with senior officials from the White House Office of Intergovernmental Affairs, White House Office of Public Engagement, and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) to discuss […]

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Support Kids Not Red Tape – Mayors Alliance to Toomey

April 18, 2022

We urge cosponsoring the bipartisan Support Kids Not Red Tape Act of 2022 (S. 3979). This legislation, led by Senators Stabenow and Murkowski, would provide schools, nonprofit sponsors, communities, and families the time to recover from the past two years’ economic impacts while supporting the transition back to normal meal operations. S. 3979 is a […]

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