Bruce Harrell
Seattle, Washington
“Our efforts to increase fresh produce available to students in schools, like our nationally recognized program supporting preschool learners with healthy food, is aimed at ensuring no child goes hungry – an important element of our One Seattle vision for strong, vibrant communities. Our updated Food Action Plan, will complement our ongoing programs and double down on our commitment to improve the quality and reach of food solutions for all Seattleites, especially our children.”
Seattle’s Free Summer Meals Program Returns to Nourish Children and Teens
Seattle’s free summer meals program returns July 1, serving kids at 70 locations
New Summer Grocery and Meal Resources for Seattle Families
Mayor Bruce Harrell’s Work to End Food Insecurity in Seattle
Seattle Launches 2023 Summer Meals Program To Combat Childhood Hunger – The Seattle Medium
Summer is here, and so are free meals for kids! – Human Interests (

Bruce Harrell
Seattle, Washington