Derek Kawakami
Kaua'i, Hawaii
“Childhood hunger exists in many places, and Kaua‘i is no exception. We encourage individuals, organizations, and businesses to get involved in addressing this issue. Anyone can support local initiatives by volunteering or donating to help reduce household food insecurity.
The County of Kaua‘i contributes in various ways. Every year, our County of Kaua‘i’s Employee Council organizes a food drive with our employees, donating hundreds of pounds of food and thousands of dollars to the Kaua‘i Independent Foodbank and the Hawai‘i Food Bank – Kaua‘i Branch.”
The County provided funds to the Hawai‘i Food Bank – Kaua‘i Branch to help bring cold storage capacity to agency partner food banks and pantries across the island, reducing geographic gaps in emergency food access.”
“We also prioritize local food production to be food independent by supporting our local agriculture community through grants under our Office of Economic Development.”

Derek Kawakami
Kaua'i, Hawaii