Kim Norton

Rochester, Minnesota

“There is no excuse for children, or anyone, to go hungry in this country. Mayors are in a position to call attention to and address some of society’s biggest problems, like childhood hunger. The Mayors Alliance to End Childhood Hunger is a powerful nonpartisan coalition. I’m proud to join this committed group of leaders in taking local action to address hunger in our communities and sharing our lessons for the benefit of all. As a community and a city government Rochester is well positioned to address this issue head on. Rochester is a city of compassion, and chief among the characteristics of a compassionate community is the care for the most vulnerable among us, which most certainly includes our children. Rochester has also adopted a diversity, equity, and inclusion statement in which we acknowledge disparities and commit to engaging in personal and systematic change.”

Mayor Norton, SE Minnesota Food Rescue and Redistribution deliver fresh apples to Rochester schools

Mayor Norton Attends White House Event Recognizing the Mayors Alliance to End Childhood Hunger

Mayor Norton Encourages Support of Channel One

The Rochester Health, Hunger and Nutrition Task Force web page

Rochester mayor appointed to National League of Cities vice chair of human development committee

Global Food Institute Hosts Distinguished Leaders in the Fight against Hunger following White House Challenge Event

On Your Mind: Mayor Kim Norton of Rochester Discusses Early Childhood Success

Kim Norton and City of Rochester earn national recognition for MWTM Fall Fit Challenge

Photos: One-day food distribution event

Rochester officials seek solutions to keep homeless out of skyways

Second round of food boxes offered for Rochester individuals, families

Kim Norton

Rochester, Minnesota