Malik D. Evans
Rochester, New York
“We are proud to stand with the Mayor’s Alliance to End Childhood Hunger because every child in America deserves access to fresh and nutritious food,” said Rochester, N.Y. Mayor Malik D. Evans. “Rochester is committed to innovative approaches to meet the needs of its residents by offering meals close to home, incentivizing small grocers to carry healthier options and supporting partners across the city who specialize in nutrition. By working to serve the needs of our families, our goal is to build a city that is safer, more prosperous, and more equitable.”
Resolution: Supporting Summer Meals Programs (USCM, 2024)
City offers grants to beef up access to fruits and vegetables
Local leaders addressing food insecurity in Rochester
Kids will get free meals throughout the summer thanks to new legislation
Trillium Health awarded nearly $1M to launch Food Pharmacy pilot program
Mayor Evans Announces Grant Funding to Help Increase Access to Healthy Foods in Rochester
The City of Rochester R-Centers
The City of Rochester Public Market
City of Rochester | Community Gardens on City-Owned Vacant Lots
Supporting Improvement to Federal Child Nutrition Programs – US Conference of Mayors Resolution (2022) – Sponsor

Malik D. Evans
Rochester, New York